HourGlass 1.0.2 beta for OS-X

This is totally early beta quality but if you are lucky, it might even start. OS-X 10.7 recommended, might work in OS-X 10.6. 10.5 hasn’t been tested at all and PowerPC based users are simply out of luck on this one. There will never be a PowerPC compatible version.

Known issues :

-The application is a 64 bit binary, so if you are running OS-X 10.6, you will also need a x64 compatible CPU. As far as I know, OS-X 10.7 only runs on computers with a x64 compatible CPU.

-3rd party plugins (VST or otherwise) are not supported at the moment. There is no timetable when that capability might be added.

-The GUI appearance isn’t that great. Due to the larger default font size on OS-X, some texts are cut off and so on. Also, by default, the standard OS-X appearance is used instead of the darker GUI known from the Windows version. (You can still try out the dark GUI from View->Load style->Default.) Work will be done later to improve such issues.

-No sand grains icon for the application 😦 (No doubt this huge problem will be fixed for the next OS-X build…)

-Probably lots of other major and minor issues exist.

Changes from the Windows 1.0.1 version :

-Added .aiff-files into the import file dialog file extensions (in addition to .aif and the other ones)

-Fragment scripting is turned off by default and now contains by default a program that doesn’t do anything.

Download :


Thanks to Cerberus Audio for providing hosting space.

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